Wednesday 24 April 2013

24.04.13 - update on collaborative project brief.

Major apologies to the lack of post these past couple of days, I just haven't seem to had the time to get online to quickly put up what I've been up to.
Today, I'm actually not at the studio, the fore have some time to get up some photographs online of something's I've been unto.

On Monday, we were briefed on our collaborative project.
Here are my notes from the morning lecture:
Collaboration project lecture
Current and interesting idea
Grew from the 1960s from underground art.
Paris 1968 - the popular studio
Poster work, graphic imagery
Counts art, Caroline coon - feminist art now is being done graphically
Linda montano - 8ft rope.
If you could collaborate website (on blog)

Doesn't make that much sense I know but I thought I would put them up here so I didn't lose them in anyway.

Then in the afternoon we were put with our partners. My partner was Jess Nash.
Me and my partner were given the word "prop"
I was really quite lucky when being randomly out with Jess, her style and feel of her work is not to dissimilar to mine yet we have enough differences to make the task exciting.
We knew when discussing from quite early on that we both wanted to look at colour and shape in a big way.
We spoke about our high and low strengths in our practices and decided that Jess would have a leading role in place as that's what she knows best and I would take a leading role in character as that's what I feel more comfortable with. So we didn't end up just smashing our two styles together as well, we decided that for some of the pieces we made we would switch it up a bit, so our idea would have a more abstract feel.
In the end we came up with a narrative story based around an elderly man, who has left his umbrella "propped up" on the side, and decides to explore the world. As we're short on time, we made the decision to stick to eight frames, all set in different themes of places. All getting the feel of a place on mood and colour.
We currently have a rough plan on what places and in what order but decided at the end of the workshop to go away, continue with our own projects and come back together on Friday with a few ideas and sketches. Here's what I've got so far.

As I said I did these in about 45 minutes jut so I had a quick idea to show Jess while I was with her, but you sort of get the jist of what were working on.

I'll update soon to let you know how it continues.

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